woman holding side of face

6 Signs of a Dental Emergency

Toothaches can happen at any moment, varying in degrees of pain. So how do you know if the pain you're experiencing is that of emergency level?

More often than not, leaving any aches or pains untreated can cause you bigger problems in the long run — dental pains included! So if you're experiencing discomfort, here's what you need to know.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Severe pain and bleeding are two common indications of a dental emergency that require immediate intervention and treatment. In addition, you should treat these six signs right away:

1. Loose or partially dislodged tooth

An adult should never lose their permanent teeth, even without experiencing pain. If a tooth is loose, perhaps due to an accident playing sports or while driving a car, you'll want to schedule an emergency dental appointment to check for additional damage. If your tooth is loose, without a direct cause (like an accident), it could be due to an infection. Your dentist can determine what is wrong and ensure the infection doesn't spread with immediate care.

2. Toothaches

Although you may want to power through the pain, you shouldn't take a toothache lightly. They are more than a simple nuisance – they are your body's way of telling you something is not right with your oral health.

Before a dentist can see you, try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water, apply a cold compress to the affected cheek, and use over-the-counter pain medication to relieve discomfort.

3. Soft tissue injuries

You may suffer trauma to the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips that result in bleeding. While a minor bump or somewhat bothersome gum irritation aren't usually urgent dental problems, it could indicate a serious condition if your soft tissues won't stop bleeding.

As you are on the way to getting emergency treatment, apply clean gauze and apply pressure to the bleeding site. Hold a cold compress to your cheek in the affected area to relieve pain.

4. Dental abscess

Dental abscesses are emergencies because the infection can quickly spread to the jaw and other areas of the body. Symptoms may include:

  • Fever and persistent toothache.
  • Facial swelling.
  • A pus-filled bump on your gums near the affected tooth.

5. Lost fillings or crowns

Without the reinforcement that your previous filling provided your tooth, it can easily break or chip, which could even expose the tooth’s nerves. This could lead to the need for other urgent dental treatments to protect the nerve roots from bacteria exposure, such as a root canal.

6. Frequent Headaches

Headaches can be due to a common cold, stress, or lack of sleep; however, there may be something more at play if they become chronic. You may be grinding your teeth at night, putting excess pressure on your mouth and jaw, thus increasing the chances of headaches. Speak with your dentist to see if your teeth show signs of grinding and what your treatment options may be.

Do You Have a Dental Emergency? Boise River Dental Is Here to Help When You Need Us Most

We understand that the thought of a dental emergency is frightening. Being prepared for an urgent oral health situation puts you in a better place to receive the instruction and prompt dental treatment you need to get out of danger and out of pain.

Contact us online or call us at [[INVALID_TOKEN]] for your dental emergency and we’ll give you the high-quality dentistry you need to get well as soon as possible.
